Monday, June 1, 2009

31 may....23rd...

today is my birthday...23rd already..tue lah hakikat always every getting the wishes from peoples in in my life...huhu...

saje nak post list of people yg dh wish...heeeee....

p/s: list ni ikut turutan masa ikut waktu malaysia ek bukan ukay or bangla...

1. S H S (org yg beli shabby tu) hehe
2. Naz (nak delivery connection failed..hahaha)
3. Zami ( 'my twin') happy birthday zami!!!!
4. Bad
5. Lola
6. Along,Ikhlas n Abg Faizal (wish awal sb nak masuk taman negara..takut tak de line..hehe)
7. Apis
8. Muin
9. Ayu sogip2...hehe
10. Ixana jem person..heee
11. Ida
12. Mouna (guna hp zami-tak dak krdt)hehe
13. As @ Ara
14. Abg Azfar (the only one my bro)
15. My Mum
16. Faiz Hassan
17. Ad
18. My Dad
19. Rie
20. Alang n Abg Khaidhir (or myb her baby dlm perut tu) hehe
21. F.Rizal
22. F. Azhar
23. Hardave
24. Kak Hajar
25. Ain Johari
26. Emi Gemas
27. Ana
28. Ammar
29. Liah (happy birthday!! on 1st jun)
30. En Ariff (my lecturer in Segamat)

ni yg directly to me..
or myb ada lain yg wish trough friendster of facebook yg tak sempat tgk...kihkihkih

tak kira bila,cepat or lambat..ingat or terlupa..trough apa skali pun...
tu sume tak penting....

thanks to all of you ya!!!!



  1. owh...tenqiu2!!!i pon termasuk dlm list gak..ingat kan da terlambat!heeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. sure dlm list..hehe...nt takut tak leh masuk umah baru..heeee
